Flight Training | A Practical Guide on Flight Training Exercises for Students & Instructors


Say hello to Flight Training. This book is intended for both student pilots to prepare for each flight exercise, and for flight instructors to use as reference materials for their lesson plans. Its significant improvements offer the best flight training content for in-flight preparation that the Canadian market has to offer.

Used by students enrolled in the Private Pilot Ground School and Commercial Pilot Ground School.

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SKU: W0-81IL-VLY6 Categories: ,



  • Coverage of exercises required for the private and commercial pilot licences
  • Full-colour diagrams visualize and simplify a wide variety of exercises and concepts
  • Simple and concise content to make learning/teaching fast and easy
  • Space to write POH procedures and page references for your aircraft
  • BONUS: POH procedures and page references for two common training aircraft (Cessna 152 & Cessna 172S)


Provides Canadian pilots-in-training with a practical and procedural guide on each air exercise required for the private and commercial pilot licences. This handbook makes preparing for flights and ground briefs faster and easier with its simple and concise content, ultimately saving student pilots time and money on the ground and in the air.


Provides Canadian Flight Instructors with a guide when building their own PGI lesson plans. Alternatively, this handbook can be used directly as an instructorโ€™s grab-and-go set of PGI lesson plans. Have your students study from this handbook to come more prepared for flights than ever before.


Provides Canadian flight school management with a resource to ensure their flight instructors deliver consistent, high-quality training content to their students.

The author of this book is Jesse Sharpe, airline pilot and owner of SharpeAero.

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