- Absolute Altitude
- Active Runway
- Acts of unlawful interference
- Advection
- Advisory Airspace
- Advisory Service
- Aerial Work
- Aerodrome
- Aerodrome Elevation (or Field Elevation)
- Aerodrome Traffic
- Aerodrome Traffic Frequency
- Aerodrome Traffic Frequency (ATF)
- Aerodrome Traffic Zone
- Aerodynamic Coefficients
- Aeroplane
- Air Carrier
- Air Defence Identification Zone
- Air Defence Identification Zone
- Air Time
- Air Traffic
- Air Traffic Control Clearance
- Air Traffic Control Clearance
- Air Traffic Control Instruction
- Air Traffic Control Instruction
- Air Traffic Control Service
- Air Traffic Control Service
- Air Traffic Control Unit
- Air Traffic Control Unit
- Air transport service
- Airborne Collision Avoidance System
- Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS)
- Aircraft
- Aircraft Critical Surface Contamination
- Aircraft Engine
- Aircraft Radio Control of Aerodrome Lighting (ARCAL)
- Airframe
- AIRMET (Airmen's Meteorological Advisory)
- Airport
- Airport and Airways Surveillance Radar (AASR)
- Airport Surface Detection Equipment
- Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR)
- Airport Traffic
- Airspeed Indicator
- Airway
- Airworthy
- Alerting Service
- Alternate Aerodrome
- Alternate Airport
- Altimeter
- Altimeter Setting
- Altitude
- Altitude Reservation
- Angle of Attack
- Angle of Attack Indicator
- Angle of Incidence
- Approach/Arrival Control
- Apron
- Apron
- Arctic Control Area
- Area Control Centre (ACC)
- Area Minimum Altitude
- Area Navigation
- Area Navigation (RNAV)
- Arrival Report
- Attitude Indicator
- Automated Data Interchange System
- Automatic Altitude Reporting
- Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B)
- Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)
- Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS)
- Backtrack
- Balanced Field Length
- Ballistic Recovery System
- Bearing
- Below Minimums
- Blind Spot (or Blind Zone)
- Brake Horsepower (BHP)
- Broadcast
- Calibrated Airspeed (CAS)
- Call Up
- Canadian Domestic Airspace
- Canadian Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications
- Canard
- Ceiling
- Celestial Navigation
- Centre
- Certificate of Airworthiness
- Certificate of Registration
- Classification of Airspace
- Clear Air Turbulence
- Clearance Limit
- Climb, Best Angle of
- Climb, Best Rate of
- Climb (or Climb-out)
- Co-ordinates
- Codes/Transponder Codes
- Commercial Air Service
- Community Aerodrome Radio Station (CARS)
- Compass Rose
- Composite Flight Plan
- Compulsory Reporting Point
- Contrails (also Vapour Trails)
- Control Area
- Control Area Extension
- Control Tower
- Control Zone
- Controlled Airport
- Controlled Airspace
- Course
- Course Deviation Indicator
- Critical Altitude
- Critical Engine
- Critical Field Length
- Crosswind
- Cruising Altitude/Level
- Customs Notification Service (ADCUS)
- Danger Area
- Day VFR
- Daylight
- Dead Reckoning
- Decision Height (DH)
- Defence VFR (DVFR)
- Density Altitude
- Departure Control
- Designated Intersection
- Deviation
- Discrete Frequency
- Displaced Threshold
- Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
- Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)
- Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
- Empennage
- Equivalent Airspeed (EAS)
- Expected Approach Time
- Expected Further Clearance Time
- Expedite
- Fan Marker Beacon
- Feathered Propeller
- Final
- Final Approach
- Final Approach Area
- Fix
- Flag/Flag Alarm
- Flameout
- Flaps Down Speed
- Flight Information Centre (FIC)
- Flight Information Region (FIR)
- Flight Information Service En Route (FISE)
- Flight Itinerary
- Flight Level (FL)
- Flight Path
- Flight Permit
- Flight Plan/Notification
- Flight Service Station (FSS)
- Flight Time
- Flight Visibility
- Flight Watch
- Fuel Remaining
- Full Throttle Altitude
- General Aviation
- Glide Path/Glide Slope
- Glide Speed for Endurance
- Glide Speed for Range
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Grid Navigation
- Gross Weight
- Ground Control
- Ground Visibility
- Groundspeed
- Hang Glider
- Heading
- Heading Indicator
- Height Above Aerodrome (HAA)
- Height Above Touchdown Zone Elevation (HAT)
- Hertz (Hz)
- High Frequency (HF)
- High Level Air Route
- High Level Airspace
- High Level Airway
- Hold Short
- Homing
- Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
- Identification Zone
- IFR Aircraft/Flight
- IFR Conditions
- Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
- Indicated Altitude
- Inertial Navigation System (INS)
- Initial Approach
- Inner Marker
- Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)
- Instrument Landing System (ILS)
- Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC)
- Instrument Runway
- Intermediate Approach
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- Intersection
- Jet Stream
- Joint En Route Terminal System (JETS)
- Known Aircraft
- Landing Gear Extended Speed
- Landing Gear Operating Speed
- Landing Run/Roll
- Landing Sequence
- Launch Weight
- Load Factor
- Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS)
- Local Traffic
- Localizer
- Low Approach
- Low Frequency (LF)
- Low Level Air Route
- Low Level Airspace
- Low Level Airway
- Mach Indicator
- Mach Number
- Mandatory Frequency (MF)
- Maneuvering Area
- Maneuvering Speed
- Manifold Pressure
- Manifold Pressure Gauge
- Marker Beacon
- Mayday
- Mean Wind
- Medium Frequency (MF)
- Middle Marker
- Military Operations Area
- Military Terminal Control Area (MTCA)
- Minimum Crossing Altitude (MCA)
- Minimum Descent Altitude (MDA)
- Minimum En Route Altitude (MEA)
- Minimum Fuel
- Minimum Holding Altitude
- Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA)
- Minimum Reception Altitude (MRA)
- Minimum Safe Altitude
- Minimum Sector Altitude
- Minimum Sink Speed
- Minimums/Minima
- Missed Approach
- Mode
- Mountainous Area/Region
- Movement Area
- Navigational Aid/Navaid
- Never Exceed Speed
- Night
- Night VFR
- Nondirectional Beacon (NOB)
- Nonprecision Approach Procedure
- Normal Operating Limit Speed
- Northern Domestic Airspace (NOA)
- Now Wind
- Obstacle Clearance Altitude/Height
- Omega Navigation System
- Omni
- Outer Marker
- Overshoot
- Pan Pan
- Pilot-In-command
- Pilotage
- Pitch Setting
- PlREP (Pilot Weather Report)
- Position Report
- Positive Control
- Precipitation
- Precision Approach Radar (PAR)
- Preferred Runway
- Pressure Altitude
- Prevailing Visibility
- Primary Frequency
- Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR)
- Procedure Turn
- Propeller
- Radar Altimeter/Radio Altimeter
- RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging)
- Radial
- Radial
- Radio
- Radio
- Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
- Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
- Rate-One-Turn
- Rate-One-Turn
- Rating
- Rating
- Readback
- Readback
- Remote Communications Outlet (RCO)
- Remote Communications Outlet (RCO)
- Reporting Point
- Reporting Point
- Required Visual Reference
- Required Visual Reference
- Responsible Person
- Responsible Person
- Restricted Area
- Restricted Area
- Rotate
- Rotate
- Runway
- Runway
- Runway Heading
- Runway Heading
- Runway Visual Range (RVR)
- Runway Visual Range (RVR)
- Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)
- Separation
- SIGMET (Significant Meteorological Information)
- Southern Domestic Airspace (SDA)
- Special VFR Conditions
- Specified Area
- Speed Brake
- Squawk
- Standard Atmosphere
- Standard Rate Turn
- Stop and Go
- Stopover Flight Plan
- Straight-In Approach
- TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation)
- Tachometer
- Target
- Terminal Control Area (TCA)
- Tetrahedron
- Threshold
- Threshold Crossing Height (TCH)
- Touch and Go
- Touchdown
- Touchdown Zone Elevation (TDZE)
- Touchdown Zone (TDZ)
- Tower
- Track
- Traffic Circuit/Pattern
- Transcribed Weather Broadcast (TWB)
- Transponder
- True Airspeed
- True Altitude
- Turn and Slip Indicator/Turn Co-ordinator
- Ultrahigh Frequency
- Ultralight Aircraft
- Uncontrolled Aerodrome/Airport
- Uncontrolled Airspace
- Variation
- Vector
- Vertical Speed Indicator
- Very High Frequency (VHF)
- Very Low Frequency (VLF)
- VFR Aircraft/Flight
- VFR Over The Top
- Visibility
- Visual Approach
- Visual Flight Rules
- Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC)
- VOR (Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range) Station
- Vortices/Wing Tip Vortices
- VOT (VOR Test Signal)
- Wake Turbulence
- Waypoint (RNAV)
- Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
- Nothing found. Please change the filters.
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